My Priorities

Our campaign is rooted in the hopes and concerns of our community. In the coming weeks, I will be traveling around the district to hear from you about your priorities. In the meantime, here are a few of the core beliefs I bring to this campaign.

  • Education is the foundation upon which futures are built. Every child should have the access to a world-class educational experience no matter what zip code they live in within the State. To improve educational outcomes, we should:

    • Provide programs to help students recover from any learning gaps that developed as a result of disruptions in their education caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

    • Stabilize education funding by indexing the general education formula and local optional revenue to inflation.

    • Create new pathways to licensure to address the shortage of available teachers and expand incentives to attract, develop and retain teachers, particularly teachers of color.

    • Increase funding for student mental health and personalize learning.

  • Did you know that one in five Minnesotans lives with a disability? Learn more >>

    Disability is a major issue that Minnesotans face each and every day. I will work to develop legislative initiatives to address the needs arising from these daily realities.

  • I support initiatives that strengthen small businesses because they are the economic engines of our community. Similarly, workers deserve livable wages, safe working conditions, paid sick and family leave, and strong unions to ensure their rights.

  • The issue of climate change is a reality that is upon us, and as result, we must transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy. I support:

    • Statewide Investments in Clean Transportation infrastructure

    • Protecting Clean Water by Reducing Road Salt – I support utilizing biodegradable substitutes from sugar beets which will simultaneously help environment, reduce damage to roadways and bolster the farm economy.

    • Funding for vocational/technical training to prepare low-income students and other economically marginalized communities for careers in the green economy, ensuring that we build wealth and save the planet, simultaneously.

  • Attempts to undermine women’s rights to make decision about their bodies and healthcare are increasingly being made through attempted legislative and judicial attacks. I support any initiative that will ensure that women’s reproductive rights and access to family planning services are protected.

  • The lingering COVID-19 epidemic has taken a toll on the mental health of Minnesotans. With over a billion dollars in federal COVID relief dollars, and a projected surplus of $9.25 billion dollar surplus, now is the time for the legislature to act decisively and make significant investments in mental health. I will support initiatives to:

    • Create and fund children’s crisis homes and increase funds for respite care.

    • Provide education and training for judges on mental health issues.

    • Prohibit suspension of K-3 students, and fund social emotional learning.

    • Increase the access to residential treatment.

    • Define network adequacy according to the availability of services, and create open networks during this crisis.

    • Prohibit jails from charging for phone calls from jail to case managers, mental health professionals and health care navigators.

  • I will support initiatives that reduce violence, build trust, and transform public safety in partnership with community members.

  • As our community grows, it is our responsibility to ensure that everyone is included — regardless of income level. I support access to affordable, high-quality housing and home ownership for all.

  • I support the legalization of marijuana for recreational use. I also support the expungement of all criminal records related to the personal use of marijuana, and the dedication of marijuana sales tax revenues to community needs like education.